Four tips for better sleep

Four tips for better sleep

In addition to back pain and problems in the neck and shoulders, poor quality of sleep is one of the things that significantly affect our wellbeing. Some of us find it difficult to fall asleep in the evening, and others fall asleep easily but wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. Why is sleep important for our wellbeing? How can you improve the quality of your sleep? These are the things we will look at next.

Why do we need sleep?

We have billions of cells in our bodies and brains, which need to rest from time to time to be able to maintain their optimal functions. Lack of rest makes the cells tired and weakens their activity. The better we sleep, the more effective the body is in performing daily tasks. We also need sleep for both our physical and mental health:
With sleep
-the body and mind are refreshed
-we recover from the efforts taken during the day
-energy stores are replenished

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