Read how to control back pain and problems with your training

Read how to control back problems with your training

As many as 60% of people experience pain in the lower back during their life, and one of the most common causes for the pain is spinal disc herniation. Commonly called slipped disc, these problems are currently very common, both for people who train and for those who don’t. The cause for back pain in everyday life as well as in training is usually the lack of strength and poor activation of the stabiliser muscles as well as lack of mobility in the body.
If our bodies have more strength than stability and mobility, the body won’t be able to withstand the resulting strain. This can be a result of sitting too much or hard training, focusing on too few areas.

You could think of stability and mobility as the basis of good health and fitness. When we have more reserves in these than there is strength in the body, we can train and move safely, knowing the body is capable of handling the...

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