The whole body feels stiff, pain in the body

You’ve probably heard the saying “no pain, no gain”. Maybe you’ve thought about this and found it relatable, even if you’re not a professional athlete. The whole body feels stiff, and there are different types of aches and pains. You might even think that this is normal. We shouldn’t, however, have to struggle with a stiff body and pain in our daily life. It’s not a normal state for the body. Exercise shouldn’t be bad for your health when done right. What is it then, that causes the body to react in this way and gives rise to these aches and pains?

One reason is training too hard. Often people think that training hard gives you more energy. It’s true, but only if you can recover from the training that leaves you feeling beat up. Today, most people have poor recovery and training too hard leads to pain and injuries; as much as 80% of people suffer from some kind of musculoskeletal disorder or disease. If you want to relax, sleep...

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