Core stability. Why do I need to control the deep abdominal muscles?

A strong core and visible abs must be one of the most common goals for people who train. When we set this goal, we often focus on training the surface muscles or the straight abdominal muscle (Rectus abdominis), but that leaves many important areas without any attention. To be able to take on different sports and ways to exercise including gym, ball games, and group exercise classes without risking injury, we must also pay attention to the deep abdominal muscles underneath the surface muscles.

What is the core?

When people use the word core, they usually mean the muscles in the middle of the body including back and abdominal muscles. Anatomically thinking the core consists of different parts of the body including the abdomen, spine, pelvis, hips, and chest. The core takes part in every movement we make during the day, whether it is a daily task like lifting up a pen from the floor or squats with heavy weights at the gym. If the core muscles are not functioning properly, more...

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