Improve mobility without static stretching

Improve mobility without static stretching

Today we spend most of the time we are awake sitting: we sit while having breakfast at the table, on our way to work, at work, during lunch and in the evening on the sofa. Our everyday routines are mostly very passive, which harms posture and mobility. Did you know that when you want to improve your mobility, static stretching is not the most important thing? In this article, we will explore the things you can do to improve your mobility without spending many minutes in one and the same position.


There are many kinds of stretches, active and passive, static and dynamic. If we really want to
affect our mobility we need especially dynamic stretches combined with ballistic and contract-relax stretches. Instead of only specific muscles, it is important to pay attention to muscular myofascial chains and their mobility. Some of the points mentioned above are probably familiar to you, but let’s...

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