What should I know about safe training?

Do you want more energy, to be in better shape and sleep better, without injuries or fear of overexertion? It’s possible, if we take into account certain things in our training.
Let’s look at these in more detail.


Stabilizer muscles and mobility form the basis of our fitness pyramid. When the lower part of the pyramid has more capacity than is required to maintain the body’s ability to perform, we stay healthy. If the pyramid is turned on its head, the body experiences additional stress and it causes different injuries and sprains.

Your body is only as strong as its weakest link. In order to be able to train with high intensity without breaking the body, the stabilizing muscles must be in good shape. If the support for our shoulder blades fails, the shoulders are elevated up toward the ears. At the same time the posture gets worse when the muscles that support the shoulder blades aren’t able to keep the shoulders in the right position....

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